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Planting Guide

Planting your Bamboo correctly is important to ensure it establishes quickly and has the best growing conditions to thrive. By following this simple step-by-step guide, you will be setting your Bamboo up to have the best chance of success and ensure strong healthy plants into the future.


Step 1: Dig the holes

Dig a hole for your Bamboo at least 1.5-2 times the diameter of the pot, any smaller and the roots will struggle to penetrate the compacted soil at the edge of the hole. A depth of 40cm is sufficient as the Bamboo are shallow-rooted with the roots generally being within the top 500mm of the soil profile. If planting a row of Bamboo for a hedge or screen, dig a continuous trench that is 40cm deep for the length of the screen.


Step 2: Prepare the soils

Soil conditioning should be undertaken if planting into existing garden soils which are depleted and poor quality. Mushroom compost or a similar organic compost should be mixed through the soil at a ratio of 1/3 compost to 2/3 soil. This will improve the nutrient content and structure of the soil. If dealing with heavy clay soils, Gypsum clay breaker should be added at the recommended pates.


Step 3: Remove Plant from Pot

Remove the plant from the plastic growing pot being careful not to damage the roots. Do not ‘tease out’ the roots, this only causes damage to the root system. Plants can often be difficult to remove from the pots due to the fine and fibrous root system. If the pot is difficult to remove, the pot can simply be cut off. If planting in the summer months, it can be a good idea at this stage to submerge the plant into a bucket of water for 1-2mins.


Step 4: Plant the Bamboo

Place the Bamboo into the prepared planting hole/trench ensuring the top of the root ball sits just below (3-4cm) the surrounding soil level. Adjust the orientation of the Bamboo at this stage if you have a preferred side. If necessary, add some soil to the bottom of the hole to achieve the desired level. Backfill the hole with amended soil ensuring to tamp it down as you go to minimise air pockets. Create a shallow dish around the Bamboo with soil to collect water and ensure it soaks into the root ball.


Step 5: Apply Fertiliser

Apply a slow-release fertiliser such as Osmocote on top of the soil (do not place in the planting hole) at the recommended rate and re-apply every 3 months. Fertilisers high in nitrogen are ideal so even an all-purpose lawn fertiliser can be used. Organic ferilisers such as blood and bone, dynamic lifter and seaweed extracts can also be used.


Step 6: Place Mulch

Mulch the surface of the garden bed with organic mulch to a depth of 50-100mm. Organic mulches such as pine bark, eucalyptus, sugar cane, lucerne and pea straw are all suitable. Mulch can be placed right up to the stems of the Bamboo.


Step 7: Water In

Thoroughly water each of the Bamboo with a deep watering – at least 1-2 minutes per plant directly onto the centre of the root ball. This will settle and remove any air pockets in the soil.  Setting up an automatic irrigation system or soaker hose is a good idea, however they will still require hand watering with a hose/watering can for the first few weeks. Even if it rains, the Bamboo will still require regular watering when getting established.


Step 8: Watch it grow!!

Sit back and watch your Bamboo grow – remember to follow the Maintenance guide provided to ensure they stay strong and healthy.

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